Camping/Personal Survival Kit
Camping/Personal Survival Kit
What if you have a tragedy? Are you prepared for those difficult situations? A survival kit is like insurance – you have it, but you never want to use it.
Of course, YOU are the most important survival tool. Make sure you have the knowledge and survival tactics to go on a camping hike/trip. The more you know, the more you will keep yourself cool, calm and alert in a tough situation.
Pretty soon you will be ready for even greater adventures. But you will still be carrying a few essentials.
Personal Survival Kit
Personal First Aid Kit
Rescue Blanket
Pin-On Compass
Orienteering Style Compass
Pocket Knife
Waterproof Matches
Halizone Tablets
Emergency Food or Chocolate
Plastic Sheet
Emergency Poncho
Fire Starter
Metal Match
Signal Mirror
Please remember to be safe and let someone know where you are in case of a tragedy.
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